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Side Hustle Business School

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Start your unlimited, completely free (no credit card needed) trial of Side Hustle Business School now and take control of your income!

Start Your Test Drive Now

Start your test drive of the Freelancer Track, Content Creator Track, and the Product Seller Track!

Type your first name and email address and we’ll get you access right away:

Use our guided learning tracks to start bringing in the money you’ve always wanted, the way you’ve always wanted.

Side Hustle Business School Freelancer Track

Freelancer Track

Designers, consultants, writers & others who charge by the hour/word/pixel—OK, not pixel—who want to charge premium prices and keep happy relationships with clients need this track.
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Side Hustle Business School Content Creator Track

Content Creator Track

Bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, performers who share content online, and other folks who want to build a platform, a following, and create the right content for the right people should start here.
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Side Hustle Business School Product Seller Track

Product Seller Track

This track is best for people who make and sell crafts, digital products, t-shirts, cupcakes—whatever—who want to learn the key to success at selling products that people love buying.
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Side Hustle Business School doesn’t just teach you about business. We teach you how to make your business successful. Get ready to master these key topics:

Building a Kick-Ass Product

Create a product or service that people will pay for. Then make it incredible.

You’ll learn how to create products that have the “it” factor that makes choose your product over everyone else’s. Most people don’t understand this life-changing concept when they’re starting a business and, as you know, most businesses fail.

Genius Level Marketing

Find a place for yourself in the market. Then delete the competition.

Marketing is way more than just throwing a few ads out there and hoping you get a few sales. You’ll learn about marketing techniques that bring you dream results!

Savvy Website Management

Learn to use one of your business’s most powerful tools in creating awareness and driving sales—your website.

Having a website isn’t enough to make sales. You’ll learn how to use your website to attract an audience so that you’re not frustrated and confused about why you’re not making sales.

Getting the Right Customers to Pay You

Learn to close the deal on the right sales.

At first, you’ll be happy to get any client or customer you can. But after you get used to making money regularly, you’ll want to make the best sales you can—sales to customers and clients who make life easier for you and that don’t require a lot of your time. You’ll learn the strategy that helps you make the most of your time when bringing in sales and nurturing your relationship with clients and customers.

Boss Level Branding

Learn to create and refine a brand that earns the trust of your buyers.

With the help of Brand Therapist, Naya the Creative, you’ll learn what makes customers and clients trust your brand and choose you instead of your competition. Without a strong, consistent brand, your audience is likely to choose your competitors instead of choosing you.

Winning With Social Media

Build a strategy and leverage powerful tools your customers already use.

You customers are probably on social media, but they can’t find you! Your personal social channels may not be enough to reach the people who want to hire and pay you. We’ll go through techniques that help you reach your target audience so that they start falling in love with your brand.

Think Like a Boss—Not an Employee

You’re done with the rat race. It’s time to think differently.

Strictly using a 9-5 / follow the crowd mentality will keep you from winning at the life you want. It’s not how bosses and CEOs think. It’s not how any successful person thinks. Changing your life starts with a change in your mind. You’ll learn to look at your network, your income, and your time in a way that guarantees your success.
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Happy New Entrepreneur

You need Side Hustle Business School. Here’s why:

Side Hustle Business School shows you the easy way to turn your idea into a product or service that you can quit your job for. We don’t waste your time talking about setting up a corporation or LLC (you can Google that) or forcing you to write long business plans that don’t work.

We teach you how to make sales doing what you love doing.

Work on Side Hustle Business School in your time, on your terms, whenever you want. Our videos and worksheets help you take successful actions with your idea so that you start making a new salary before you quit your job.
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